Thursday, January 05, 2006

Hurlyburly - The Continuing Tragic Saga - Chapter 1

Gentle Readers, if you enjoyed The Tragic Story of THE Andrea Warner, you will simply love the sequel, Hurlyburly. Find out what happens in the lives of the compelling characters you have grown to know and love, and meet some new and intriguing ones too. We will be revealing one chapter at a time, so try to contain your suspense. Here is Chapter 1 for your reading pleasure.

Chapter 1

Michelle Gatien was walking down Granville Street, when she saw him. She couldn’t believe her eyes. He was the sexiest being she had ever seen in her life. He was wearing an unusual outfit, but that only enhanced his appeal. Although he was in his late forties and was slightly rotund, his figure was definitely flattered by the skin-tight red leather pants he wore. His silky black shirt was partially unbuttoned, revealing a sparkly gold and diamond chain, slightly buried in his chest fur. His curly brown hair was styled in an afroesque fashion, and a bright red sweatband strategically placed on his forehead completed the look. Their eyes met, and Michelle’s body convulsed with a jolt of electricity. She found herself walking towards him. She didn’t make a habit of just walking up to strange men on the street, but she found she had no control over herself. It was as if the man had a giant magnet in his pocket: a magnet of lust that drew her closer and closer to him. Before she could completely process what was happening, she was standing before him. They stood facing each other less than a foot apart in the crowded street. Say something! She urged herself. If she didn’t act quickly, the moment would be lost forever!

“Hi, I’m Michelle.” She breathed in awe.

The man smiled. “Hello, Michelle. My name’s Mike, but you can call me Loverboy.” He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips.

Michelle swooned. No one had ever kissed her hand quite like that before. In fact, no one had kissed her hand ever before!

“Come, let us have a coffee and get to know each other.” Loverboy led her to a nearby Starbucks.

Michelle couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She had come to Vancouver for a job interview with Gorply Cable Systems and to visit her old friend, Emily Luther. She never imagined that she would find her destiny in the form of a man wearing red leather pants. The rain poured down, but Michelle barely noticed.

“I would LOVE to!” she exclaimed, a little more forcefully than she meant to.

Loverboy only smiled at her exuberance. “I’m glad.” He said simply, taking Michelle’s hand in his. Together, they walked into the Starbucks and began a new chapter of their lives.

Unbeknownst to the new lovers, a shadowy figure was watching them from a sex shop window across the street. A cackling noise emanated from the figure’s pocket. A couple of sleazy old men searching for lumber fetish porn, looked up at the shadowy figure. The figure swore and turned away, pulling a walkie-talkie out of its pocket.

“Is the plan in motion?” a disembodied voice demanded.

“Yes, it is master.” The shadowy figure breathed into the talkie.

“Excellent. Return to my lair at once. We have much to discuss.”

“Roger,” the figure hissed and turned off the walkie-talkie. The figure slithered unnoticed from the sex shop and began walking down the street at a brisk pace. It passed the window where Michelle and Loverboy were laughing over their Frappuccinos. The figure hissed at them as it passed. Laugh all you want. Enjoy it while you can. Soon, your laughter will be stifled FOREVER!!! The figure cackled to itself maniacally as it walked down the street, ignoring the frightened looks it generated from passersby. They were mere pissants. Soon they would realize their own insignificance.

1 comment:

Alex said...

please sir, could I have some more?