Sunday, February 26, 2006

Hurlyburly - The Continuing Tragic Saga - Chapter 10

"Kate, you're filthy!" Seana exclaimed. "But it's good to see you!"

Seana had driven her brand new Jeep out to Abbotsford to meet Kate so that they could try to find out what was going on with Kate's father, Brian. They were having a bite to eat at McDonald's before heading back to Vancouver. Kate's hair looked like a rat's nest and had several live cockroaches crawling in it. Her clothes seemed to be covered in dirt and some sort of purple goo.

"Well it was a rough trip," Kate sighed. "The first part was okay, I made it all the way to Kamloops in the back of a pickup truck, but then he went a different way so I ended up having to skateboard while holding onto the back of a motorcycle."

"Kate, that's pretty dangerous, why didn't you just take the bus?" Seana inquired.

"Are you on crack?" Kate said. "What a fucking waste of money that would have been. Sure I'm dirty but I can clean up, no sweat. But more importantly, how are we going to find Brian? Did you ever get hold of Emily?"

"Yeah, but she hadn't heard from Brian," Seana said. "But I do have a lead, Michelle said that she ran into him at the Sylvia Hotel bar."

"Oh yeah, that's his favourite bar in Vancouver," Kate said. "Maybe we should just go there and hang out until he shows up? I mean, with the amount of scotch he's been drinking lately, he's bound to show up there sooner rather than later."

"That's a great idea," Seana said. "It will give us a chance to have a few drinks and catch up too. We should see if Emily and Dave want to join us."

The two women got into Seana's Jeep and headed out on the highway, back towards Vancouver. Kate pulled about 10 handguns out of various pockets to show Seana she was well-equipped for whatever happened.'

"I found these on the front lawn," Kate explained. "Here, take some, just in case."

Seana put a couple of handguns in her pockets, and stuck one behind each ear. Kate giggled. "That looks awesome!"

Seana put a Sublime CD in the stereo and they both started singing along.

What they didn't notice was the shadowy figure crouching in the back seat of the jeep.

"You pissants think you are soooo smart," the shadowy figure hissed. "Well I'm afraid I am going to have to put a dent in your clever little plan. My master's instructions are very clear."

It pulled a rag covered in chloroform from the folds of its cape, and shoved it in Seana's face, and then Kate's. They both twitched for a few seconds, and thin streams of drool oozed from their mouths, then they lost consciousness. The figure undid their seatbelts and threw their unconscious bodies in the back. Then it got into the driver's seat and took the wheel, narrowly missing a semi coming from the other direction.

THe shadowy figure pulled out its walkie-talkie and turned it on.

"Master? Are you there?" it said.

"Yes, I am, Minion," said a deep, diesmbodied voice with a slight southern drawl. "Have you taken custody of the pissants?"

"Well I've got Kate and Seana, and I am about to go fetch Emily and Dave," said the figure. "I also need to go back to Ms. Warner's residence so I can kidnap her and hijack that ridiculous human helicopter to bring us there."

"Remember, you need to have them all at my ranch in Texas by Friday," said the voice over the walkie-talkie. "That's when our plan will be carried out. Our colleague is going to look after those members of our little group who are currently in Botswana."

"Yes master."